Taking Care Of Customer Complaints On Social Media

In the present day most of the business handle their customers through social media. It is important for every business to respond customer’s complaints as soon as possible to increase the customer loyalty. The following are few simple steps that can be used for dealing with customer complaints through the social media platform. If you respond to customers complaints on the social media platform positively and quickly, this will help them recommend your brand to others.

1. Act fast- Make sure that you are able to act quickly to complaints made by the customers. You must reply to customer’s complaints within a specified time like an hour. Try to answer to your customers in the right way and let them know you are ready to respond to them. Answering to your customers queries on weekends is also important to prevent any negative feedback.

2. Accept mistakes- In case you have done any mistake while promoting the product or dealing with your customers, try to accept the mistake made by you. Try to apologize on the social media and acknowledge mistakes to prevent your customers from acting against your brand. You must post a reasonable apology to make your customers know that you are really sorry for the mistake. Never copy an apology from social media and post it in your profile as it will fail to reach them.

3. Discuss personally- The communications that are made through social media will be visible to all and this can harm your brand name. So try to take the discussion offline by meeting them personally without using social media platform. By doing this you will make your customers know that you want to resolve the problems and also avoid others from entering into the conversation in the social media platform.

4. Never automate your response- Whenever your customer posts a negative comment on the social media, try to acknowledge them personally without using any automated message. Always reply to customers with conversational tone and try to address your customer with their name. Also make your customers realize that you will help them resolving their issues and take the responsibility if the issue is related to your company.

5. Respond positively- When your customer posts a negative comment related to your brand on the social media you must respond to them in a positive manner. Never use harsh word while sending a reply to their negative post as they are angry related to your product or service. If you reply to them in an aggressive manner it will make things much worse.

6. Never delete comments- When you see a negative comment from your customer on the social media, make sure not to delete them. This will make your customer leave the social media and also post negative things about your brand. In case the customer has posted really bad comment that would affect your brand, first you must issue a warning and then block them.